Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

when you gonna realize that ...

you don't even have to try any longer?



If ever you needed someone, I'm the one you should call I'll be there to pick you up, if ever you should fall If you got problems, I can solve'em, they big or they small That other nigga you be with ain't bout shit I'm your friend, your father, and confidant, BITCH

I'm a motherfucking P-I-M-P

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Love You

You Know
I Just Want To Let You Know
That I Never Felt This Way About Anybody Else
I Think I Love You
So Dont Think Im Crazy When I Tell You This
But If You Ever Hurt Me

I'll Fuckin' Kill You

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Don't tell your secrets to anyone
Because ideas are vulnerable
As soon as you say your idea out loud
They'll go like their own it


Consequence Of Sounds

My rhyme ain't good just yet,
My brain and tongue just met,
And they ain't friends, so far,
My words don't travel far,
They tangle in my hair,
And tend to go nowhere,
They grow right back inside,
Right past my brain and eyes
Into my stomach juice
Where they don't serve much use,
No healthy calories,
Nutrition values.
And I absorb back in
The words right through my skin
They sit there festering inside my vowels

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I close my eyes and think that I have found me
But then I feel mortality surround me
I want to sing another melody
So different from the one I always sing


Monday, July 28, 2008

Cold in Hand Blues

"y qué es lo que vas a decir
voy a decir solamente algo
y qué es lo que vas a hacer
voy a ocultarme en el lenguaje
y por qué
tengo miedo"





hold me when I'm here
and love me when I'm gone..


Sunday, July 27, 2008

"Together we stand, divided, we fall"


"El odio nunca es vencido por el odio sino por el amor."


Contador Web



I'm coming back
I will return
And I'll possess your body and
I'll make you burn
I have the fire I have the force
I have the power to make my evil take its course.

"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea...for the Devil sends the beast with wrath, because he know the time is short"


Saturday, July 26, 2008


"Nothing last forever so live it up,

drink it down, laugh it off,

avoid the bullshit,

take chances and never have regrets,

because at one point, everything you did

was exactly what you wanted"


Fabricating Fornicators....


Don't you know you supposed to be the man?

All I need is for my man to live up to his role,
Always wanna talk it through - I'm ok,
Always have to comfort you every day,
But that's what I need you to do -
are you gay?


Romance serves a purpose. It’s a meditative state

"El amor hace dormir a la lógica, de lo contrario, nadie se arriesgaría"

-Little Girl God-


Friday, July 25, 2008



Lo divertido en el hombre

Un Señor dijo: -Quiero saber lo que es más divertido de los seres humanos.
Y recibió como respuesta: - Piensan siempre al revés: tienen prisa por crecer y después suspiran por la infancia perdida. Pierden la salud para tener dinero y luego pierden enseguida el dinero para tener salud. Piensan tan ansiosamente en el futuro, que descuidan el presente y así no viven el presente ni el futuro. Viven como si no fueran a morir nunca y mueren como si nunca hubiesen vivido.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Nola Rice: -"Los hombres siempre parecen preguntárselo. Piensan que soy algo realmente especial."

Chris Wilton: -"¿Y lo sos?"

Nola Rice: -"Bueno, hasta ahora nadie pidió que le devuelva su dinero."

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Love those moments..

Elizabeth Swann: -"Llegará el momento en el que vas a tener la chance de hacer algo heroico, de hacer lo correcto".
Jack Sparrow: "-Amo esos momentos. Me encanta saludarlos mientras pasan de largo"

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Long distance
make four people


Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Y caigo de cabeza .....rendida a tus pies...
Y doy vueltas y vueltas, queriendo quedarme aca.
Porque solo en tu presencia, encontre paz,
porque solo en tu presencia escucho tu voz.
Y ahi Quiero Quedar.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008


"What I really meant to say is ...
I'm sorry for the way I am
I never meant to be so cold"


Friday, July 18, 2008

W.B. Yeats

The innocence and the beauty have no enemies except

What would you do?

If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...
Would you...
Slow down?
Speed up?


What I am...

What I hope
What I dream
What I fear
What I see
What I hear
What I wish
What I feel
What I am

Ok do ya get it?! This is me. bla bla bla I am so wiggy from medication I don't expect it to make much sense.
I like colours... I don't like pain.
And there's also a few things about the lyrics of 'somewhere over the rainbow' which always makes me cry.


Contador Web

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Monday, July 14, 2008

First day of my life

Remember the time you drove all night.
Just to meet me in the morning

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Memi feat Bata - So Sublime

So sublime,
You know what I mean...
It's like a cigarette in a mouth.
Well, no, it's more than that
It's like my cigarette in your mouth

catch it?
i'm sure u do
i'm sure u will, soon

can't deny
smokin' in the backyard
it's like a kiss in a nose..
.more than that
it's like THAT kiss in My nose

catch it?
i'm sure u do
catch it?
i'm sure u will, soon

So sublime,
You know what It's like
like a cigarette in a mouth.
Hell, no, it's not just that
It's like your cigarette in my mouth

catch it?
i'm sure u do
catch it?
i'm sure u will, soon

so sublime...
you, standing by my side
lookin' into my eager eyes

It makes me wanna say...
so sublime

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Dont cha wanna ride

Is there room for me in your one-man show?



Honesty pays, but it don't seem to pay enough to suit some people.


Contador Web

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Love... sth new

I just want you to know that I love everything about you. That's why I wrote that song. 'Cause you make love feels new.


Y que a veces me siento poeta y vengo a cantarte mis versos de amor....


Contador Web

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Friday, July 11, 2008

EVOL: Love in a backwards world

The 5 minute film tells the story of a couple who spot each other across a crowded street and fall in love. Although everyone else in the world around them moves backwards, the couple moves forward as they find each other.
Directed by Chris Vincze. Platinum Remi Award winnder, WorldFest film festival, TexasFirst Place Winner, StudentFilmmakers Summer Shorts 2006Shortlisted: Kodak Short Film Showcase 2006Starring: Rick Warden & Lucy Barker. Written & Directed by Chris Vincze. Produced by Wendy Bevan-Mogg
(Link al video: en el titulo del post)


Tuesday, July 08, 2008


There is no one older than a high school graduate
no one younger than a college freshman


“Maybe you're over it
it doesn't mean anything to you anymore;
maybe it never did,
it meant something to me.”

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Monday, July 07, 2008


My father once told me that the only two secrets in life were:


My music

In this world of music pulls me through

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Do me Good

Do Me Good Ill Tell You Anything You Want To Hear
Do Me Good Do Me Good Do Me Good Do Me Good
Do Me Good And All This Craziness Will Disappear
Do Me Good Do Me Good Do Me Good Do Me Good


Let Me Tell Ya How

Im Confused And Quizical
Funny Dontcha Know
I Just Wanna Get Physical


"La locura humana suele ser una cosa astuta, felina. Cuando se la cree desaparecida, quizá no ha hecho más que transfigurarse en alguna forma aun más sutil"

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Thursday, July 03, 2008


"I laugh at stupid things just 'cause they tickle me".


Orgullo y Prejuicio

Honestly, I thought...

See I thought that I could replace you


Contador Web


You make me Happy

Sometimes I think I’m just a mess of badly drawn lines.

I’m just scrawled veins beneath paper rough skin, I wear poorly sketched scars on my thighs [skin deep red pen lines] and even my smile is lop-sided- but he never seemed to notice.

My skin [spread like thick icing over my skeleton] is a monotonous pattern of pores, a stretch of the world the sun never kissed.

I can’t see the beauty in multitudes of freckles and chipped fingernails- but he does.
-‘why do you love me?’
-‘you make me happy.


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Losing you

Losing you is like living in a world with no air

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War is not the answer

Bombing for Peace
is like
Fuckin' for Virginity



When the power of love, conquers the love of power, the world will know peace


Contador Web

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