Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Actually, this is not a question..i just want you to know that i love everything you write. I'm a journalist from argentina and i've always been fond of this way of expression and writing style. So, keep on doing it, I'll keep on reading! Thumbs up!.

Awww..thank you. This made me smile. Actually this is my second Tumblr account, I deleted the first one because I have friends following me and I feel uncomfortable knowing them reading my posts and also by my family. I have a sister graduated from creative writing and a brother majoring in journalism. Whenever I read their stuff I feel inferior, so I am having this account on incognito so no one I know, personally, can judge. So this really means a lot. Thank

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Forgive you and forget you

"All there is left to do is forgive and forget…
So I want to forgive you.
And I want to forget you."

Contador Web

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Saturday, February 05, 2011


Él: - Hay algo tragicamente hermoso en vos -decía mientras le sacaba el trago de sus manos y preparaba al mismo tiempo dos pocillos de café-. No sé exactamente qué es, pero me llama todo el tiempo a querer descubrirte, descifrarte. ¿Es realmente tan complicado?

Ella: ¿Qué cosa? - preguntó con verdadera inocencia

Él: - No amarte

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Es que un día te vi tan confundido,
no soporté tus palabras sin sentido
y automaticamente, un nuevo camino busqué.

Intenté olvidar todo lo que habíamos vivido
aunque hasta el día de hoy,
la mayor parte de mi tiempo
la ocupo pensando en vos.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Didn'y say anything

"I didn't say anything, just placed my sunglasses on my face, putting my ipod earphones in my ears".


I know I'm sleeping cause this dream's too amazing

Thursday, July 15, 2010

At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes...all you need is one. - Peyton Sawyer

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